Our Clients

Rely on our cutting-edge solutions for clients' linguistic needs.

Our goal at LOD is to help our clients resolve their challenges and needs by administering custom and unique solutions. Regardless of whether clients are hosting international meetings, having needs for bi-lingual staffing, or language/culture programs, we are proud to offer superior results, on-time delivery, and unprecedented customer service from government agencies to global companies.

LOD Contracts

Providing a team of professional readers to assist with visually impaired employees working at VA by ensuring formatted letters and forms are correct, and assisting in other reading materials.

Preparing training for global engagement by delivering Language Training to U.S. government personnel.

Providing interpretation service during law judge hearings in multiple languages providing highly qualified interpreters.

Provided translation, interpretation, and transcription services in all languages for witness interviews and grand jury hearings.

Supported English to Spanish translations of USDA's agency wide official documents and forms.

Provided American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation, transcription, and reading services for FBI employees with visual and hearing impairments by interpreting staff meetings, all-employee meetings and trainings, case-related interviews, and etc.

Provided interpretation services for legal depositions involving business and trademark cases between international companies in multiple languages.